Sumoto Policy

With regard to Quality, Sumoto srl is committed to following the highest standards by always directing the greatest attention to the customer in supplying its products and services, improving them continuously, and recognizing that fulfilling commitments with its customers and exceeding their expectations is a permanent obligation for all personnel in the organization.

Its Board of Directors is committed to the implementation of an Integrated System, aimed at adequately designing and complying with laws and requirements, service and product based on expressed and implied needs, preventing any deficiencies in processes, and taking corrective actions at all stages of the business by committing to consolidate the culture of continuous improvement in the organization.


The Board of Directors has delegated the following primary objectives to the CEO:

  • promote the approach based on risk analysis understood as the probability of achieving established goals, increasing the identification of opportunities for system improvement and for the proper use of available and/or necessary resources;
  • establish a solid knowledge foundation;
  • implement a proactive culture to prevention and improvement;
  • ensure consistency in the quality of products and services;
  • increase customer trust and satisfaction;
  • support the continuous technological development of new production systems to provide innovative products at all times, while meeting the explicit and implicit needs of the customer;
  • contain prices to a competitive level in the market, reducing the costs of non-quality as much as possible;
  • maintain its production on high and consistent quality standards;
  • improve the working environment, corporate living standards, the level of health, safety and prevention, internal and external communications;
  • involve all staff in the realization of the set goals through awareness raising, training and continuing education;
  • introduce prevention as a constant operating principle by encouraging risk analysis, analyzing processes in the areas of quality, environment and safety;
  • ensure that the specifications provided by the customer are met and the target level of quality is achieved;
  • plan corrective actions aimed at improving processes and related outputs;
  • involve suppliers so as to ensure continuous improvement of raw materials and purchased products through the creation of a relationship of mutual cooperation and trust;
  • increase market share;
  • keep both the organization’s quality, environment and safety management system up to date at all times;
  • comply with current legislation in all its fields of application.


The objectives stated in this policy will be monitored on an ongoing basis through the identification of appropriate indicators. Targets will be defined for each indicator that will be critically analyzed during the CEO’s review, implemented periodically throughout the year, with a view to continuous improvement.

With respect to Health and Safety and Environmental Compliance, the CEO considers it a primary objective and integral part of the organization’s activities to pursue health and safety for its staff and for everyone within the company therefore urges all function managers in the organization to actively and proactively cooperate in the continuous improvement of the system with special attention to prevention activities and safeguarding health in the workplace. Not only must this be done with respect for the environment and the prevention of accidents that could harm our territory, identified as an asset and heritage common to all, with special reference also to the needs and expectations of all stakeholders.


The Management, convinced of the need to address both safety and environmental issues from a comprehensive and dynamic perspective for continuous improvement and aware of its direct responsibilities, determines the following commitments:

  • our organization implements everything within its power to drastically reduce workplace accidents and potential accidents knowing that the best result is achieved through prevention;
  • occupational safety and health are the responsibility of management, but it is also the responsibility of all workers; this must be an integral part of our professional activity as are quality and productivity;
  • all workers are informed, educated and, when necessary, trained to perform their tasks safely and to assume their responsibilities for occupational safety and health with specific reference to the task they perform;
  • there is an awareness that safety, health and environmental protection are a value and not a priority, and therefore there is no urgency that justifies their non-compliance;
  • order and cleanliness are necessary elements so that one can work in safe, orderly and comfortable environments; therefore, everyone must make a contribution;
  • it is everyone’s responsibility to identify risky situations and behaviors and take action to correct them, to give a commitment to continuous improvement and prevention of injuries and pollution;
  • safety and health aspects are considered essential from the definition phase of new activities or in the revision of existing ones;
  • the entire company structure (Managers, Supervisors and Collaborators) participates, according to their attributions and competencies, in the achievement of the assigned safety and health objectives;
  • the safety representative in the company has the authority and resources necessary to stimulate and improve the safety of all personnel in the company;
  • the necessary resources are made available according to an organic plan and follow-up actions are carried out regarding the effectiveness of the actions put in place;
  • a review of the SGS and SGA is carried out at least once a year, following the directions provided.

In terms of Information Security, the CEO believes it is essential for the organization to pursue information and data security at all levels.


In particular, by activating the following control processes:

  • systematic analysis of data risk and information security is ensured;
  • responsibilities for management, control and access to information and data are defined;
  • procedures for regulation, access and control are defined;
  • codes of conduct are defined and subscribed to by all stakeholders;
  • the information security management system is continuously improved;
  • measurable and actionable improvement objectives are defined.

In order to pursue and achieve all the objectives expressed in this policy, it is essential that each employee is aware of the importance of his/her contribution in achieving the set goals.

The Board of Directors and The Chief Executive Officer reiterate the need for the sharing of the stated goals and the participation and responsibility of all in the results of their work, and call for an ongoing commitment to the maintenance, development and improvement of the company’s quality and safety system.

Montecchio Maggiore 14/03/2023


Sumoto srl

Ponza Diego